view seven for sunday archives
Murals of Seattle
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“My favorite thing is to meet the people in the neighborhood
while I work, and to see the joy that art brings to their lives.”
— Zachary Bohnenkamp, muralist
ProSki Seattle on Aurora Ave. N
artwork by Zach Bohnenkamp, John Osgood & Sensei23
mural showing Aurora Ave. for Department of Transportation
artwork by Zach Bohnenkamp, John Osgood & Sensei23
PBR at Thunderbird Tavern — 15th Ave. NW
artwork by Joe Nix and Zach Rockstad
Crown Hill Hardware on 15th Ave. NW
artwork by PE McKee
Native American heritage — Wilson-Pacific school
artwork by Andrew Morrison
mural for the “Art Up” kick-off, an art walk held every
2nd Friday in the Greenwood-Phinney neighborhood
artwork by John Osgood
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All Seven for Sunday photographs are shot weekly by Crystal Lynn Hoeveler
© 2015, all rights reserved
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