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Adorable Alpacas
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“Money can’t buy happiness,
but it can buy alpacas and that’s kind of the same thing.”
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Sentinel Ranch Alpacas
Camano Island, Washington
Alpacas are native to South America and were brought to the U.S. in the mid 1980s.
They are raised for their soft, luxurious fleece that’s warmer and lighter than wool, and softer than cashmere. Fleece is used for many products including clothing and blankets.
They are shorn once a year, producing 5–10 pounds of fleece per animal.
Alpacas are members of the camelid family.
Although they resemble llamas, they are half their size.
Unlike goats and sheep, alpacas nibble only the tops of grasses and other plants.
Alpacas are gentle, curious, lovable animals.
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